I love grad parties.
I did two of them in Portland on Sunday. It was a whirlwind of energy!
These kids are hilarious.
First, I was on a graduation celebration cruise to start my night. There was a DJ on board, one of the best I’ve seen at a graduation event thus far. The energy was outrageous! Think about 150+ high school seniors jumping up and down on a 100 foot square area while you’re moving in the water on a party boat and trying to draw caricatures! I will say that learning to draw while you’re moving is another skill it itself-and this is an art skill I think I did pretty good at! I was drawing with a colleague of mine. She’s actually my favorite artist to work with. We both had students lined up in the multiple dozens for caricatures. The best part about this gig was definitely the student reactions! They were so entertained, laughing and ooh’ing and whoa’ing. It was awesome! It really feels good to know that you can entertain at that level.
My second gig was down the road. It was another grad party with even more high energy students excited to be drawn as cartoon caricatures. I was with my same artist friend. She and I set up against a wall in one of the side hallways. Behind us were ceiling to floor windows. We literally had an audience of students watching outside and making faces, excited behind us while their friends who were getting drawn watched their reactions. It was a super treat.